Sunday 18 March 2012

The Walking Dead: Compendium One

The first in a trilogy of the original Walking Dead books—chronicling the back story of the comic book series greatest villain, The Governor.
Following in the footsteps of the New York Times bestselling graphic novels and the record-breaking new television show, this debut novel in a trilogy of original Walking Dead books chronicles the back story of the comic book series greatest villain, The Governor

In The Walking Dead universe, there is no greater villain than The Governor. The despot who runs the walled-off town of Woodbury, he has his own sick sense of justice: whether it’s forcing prisoners to battle zombies in an arena for the townspeople’s amusement, or chopping off the appendages of those who cross him. The Governor was voted “Villain of the Year” by Wizard Magazine the year he debuted, and his story arc was the most controversial arc in the history of The Walking Dead comic book series. Now, for the first time, fans of The Walking Dead will discover how The Governor became the man he is, and what drove him to such extremes.
i think im about to buy my first comic ever....well 48 comics...seriously considering buyin the The Walking Dead: Compendium One....i love the TV adaptation that much

Just read 3/4 of the Walking Dead Compendium One. Amazing book.
Finished reading The Walking Dead: Compendium One last nite awsome, now pretty soon I will have to start waiting for the comics to come out every couple months, so I started reading the hunger games last nite, wanna get it read before I see the movie, its pretty good so far.
 We just bought the walking dead compendium 1. It has volumes one though eight. I'm so happy can't wait till it arrives.

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