Saturday 24 March 2012

Casey Anthony Trial

There's no doubt a tragedy occurred in Florida. Matter of fact, a mother was acquitted of killing her child months ago (Casey Anthony). Race should not be the issue. It's a matter of the judicial system in Florida, laws & the liberties of citizens of that state that prevented him from being charged. If people voted more &were proactive with petitions; then your voice would be recognized. We should all pray.
 This could have easily been one of my children. Stupid, but they love (loved?) Skittles, which I despise. They don't GET why cry when I hear/sing "We Shall Overcome." Civil rights has been a HUGE part of my life and I hoped we were past this. I realize there will always be individuals who exercise racial profiling, but the reaction of the police department is inexcusable. "Why can't we all get along?"
After the Florida judge presiding over the Casey Anthony case ruled all evidence admissible to the courts, a variety of different pieces of evidence has become available for public view. For example, you can view a deposition by a CSI agent involved with the Casey Anthony Case here. Admittedly, upon reading the deposition the word "guilty," is just reverberating through the universe right now.

Journalistic sources have shared the following deposition, which can be viewed by clicking here, and it contains approximately 72 pages of information pertaining to the disappearance of Caylee Anthony and the discovery of her remains as well as incidents surrounding Casey Anthony and her family members.

Some pretty disturbing details are revealed by the documents released by the CSI agent. For instance, the comments given by the agent who investigated are haunting to say the least. The following excerpt is from the deposition with Michael Vincent, who is the CSI agent in question, and an investigator with the case:

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