Wednesday 21 March 2012

Big Bach Set

This collection is stellar! I'll be listening for many hours to come. The B-Minor Mass performance is just sublime. You're off your rocker if you don't spend the buck to get this amazing set.
On MP3 YUCK! I just spent the whole day re-ripping everything to Win-lossless as it is faster than transcoding from 18 different formats. 

Nice that win lossless works at 24bit 96k!!!!!!!!!!! What, I can fit 2 CDs on one GB, so my collecton nicely fits on my 4TB Raid in my htpc. Also 5 drive ripping is nice! 

Apple is nothing but fail when it comes to ingest.  PS ripping HD-DVD to the hard drive right now! Clerks 2 has never been this Deffie!.
Everyone, anyone,.. Do you know of this deal? It's true and wonderful. Spend a buck, download goes to your itunes. Our great friend, J.S. Bach!

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