Wednesday 14 March 2012

brown recluse spider

Here is another “horror” story about brown recluse spider bite. This young lady got severely bitten, but you would believe from the language in the article, thespider attacked her. Apparently she was bitten on the ear. I doubt if she was listening to it, so I imagine she rolled over on it in bed. The article mentions on how they are spreading all over from global warming and the case of attacks will rise. Nonsense. Brown recluse nor any other spider attacks anyone. If they get squeezed they will defend themselves. Some people throw their cloths on the floor and then a spider will crawl in there looking for a place to hide and when the person puts the shirt or pants on, they get bit. They are not going to attack anyone. I pick them up just as easily as I do black widows – carefully, and I don't get bitten. If you live in an area where brown recluse are prevalent, keep a bottle of non-toxic bug spray to kill them (don't use pesticides, they are more dangerous than the spider). Greenbug for People is a good product. Its made from cedar and is safe for you and your children and pets. There is no brownrecluse outbreak. They are probably traveling around the country on Walmart trucks since Walmart's headquarters is in the heart of brown recluse country. Drunk drivers and most politicians are far more dangerous than any spider. To demonstrate they don't know what they are talking about, the spider in the pic isn't a brown recluse.
That being said, its STILL a good idea to be aWARE of these spiders ! it actually has a brown mark on its back that looks like a violin! BE AWARE. if this thing bites you or a loved one, seek medical help immediately. ice the area to stop th blood flow. the other pictures of the TCU student are kinda gross but it makes the point that this is 1 dangerousspider....bite is something like 13 times worse than a rattlesnake.

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