Saturday 31 March 2012

Forever 21

Satisfying your craving for fashion's latest trends, at prices you can't pass up. 
Founded in the early 80's, the brand has since grown to over 400 stores all over the US with outlets internationally in Malaysia,Singapore,Indonesia,Thailand,UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Muscat and Jordan, dress to impress! accessorize to the max!.
Hello you lovely people! Are you all mourning the end of a fabulous weekend? ;) Today is the last day for Fashion Basket competition entries and also the last day to vote for FOREVER 21 for the category of 'Best Shop to spend AED 500' in Grazia Style Awards. Come on people, we need your votes and whoever wants to give a last shot for the competition, Please email us by today evening! :)

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Auto Google Car test

This is going to make a huge impact on the world. Kudos to Google for investing in this amazing technology, and kudos to Sebastian Thrun for starting the project.
Next area of disruption is the Car. Self driving cars and car software. so Google can't make a social network to beat facebook but it can make self driving cars ?
The remote Drvers ow someone could just shoring model creat an off . starting with US drvier's license but arrive in india for a person in USA with very low monthly charge.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Sarah Tressler

Who is going to be the next Houston reporter to be canned the fastest since Juan Palomo? There is no prize for the correct answer. Just have an abiding faith in the bible thumping purience of the average Texas news rag.
Sarah Tressler is your preferred society reporter by day and stripper by night!
Trending Yahoo: 1 Jenna Talackova 2 Sarah Tressler 3 Sam Donaldson. I don't know who Jenna is, but I checked to make sure ol' Sam didn't die.

Sunday 25 March 2012

Addicting games

An online gaming platform that brings the best of flash games from around the net for you to play for free. Free Addicting Games your number one place to play all the latest flash games that the internet has to offer. Choose from over 20 different categories and thousands of Addicting games, upated daily with freshest content.

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All of Our12,500 More Addicting Games sites are under LIKES on the right. Click on any site banner to take you to different types of games. Arcades, Browser games, Hidden Object, Mystery, MMORPG, Girls Games and many thousands more. Bookmark Us & Return.

Video Game Fun has over 12,500 Free, exciting and more addicting games from Facebook, for users to play. Keep Scores, invite friends to participate, download and try new games before you buy, or just play for free. More addicting games,games from Facebook, PC Arcade style games from Facebook for all ages. Check out all of our games from Facebook domains here and keep more addicting games bookmarked for your convenience.

Omg these games can get addicting laying on the couch me at one end and BJ at the other end playing each other at draw some .

Saturday 24 March 2012

Casey Anthony Trial

There's no doubt a tragedy occurred in Florida. Matter of fact, a mother was acquitted of killing her child months ago (Casey Anthony). Race should not be the issue. It's a matter of the judicial system in Florida, laws & the liberties of citizens of that state that prevented him from being charged. If people voted more &were proactive with petitions; then your voice would be recognized. We should all pray.
 This could have easily been one of my children. Stupid, but they love (loved?) Skittles, which I despise. They don't GET why cry when I hear/sing "We Shall Overcome." Civil rights has been a HUGE part of my life and I hoped we were past this. I realize there will always be individuals who exercise racial profiling, but the reaction of the police department is inexcusable. "Why can't we all get along?"
After the Florida judge presiding over the Casey Anthony case ruled all evidence admissible to the courts, a variety of different pieces of evidence has become available for public view. For example, you can view a deposition by a CSI agent involved with the Casey Anthony Case here. Admittedly, upon reading the deposition the word "guilty," is just reverberating through the universe right now.

Journalistic sources have shared the following deposition, which can be viewed by clicking here, and it contains approximately 72 pages of information pertaining to the disappearance of Caylee Anthony and the discovery of her remains as well as incidents surrounding Casey Anthony and her family members.

Some pretty disturbing details are revealed by the documents released by the CSI agent. For instance, the comments given by the agent who investigated are haunting to say the least. The following excerpt is from the deposition with Michael Vincent, who is the CSI agent in question, and an investigator with the case:

Friday 23 March 2012

Amanda Peet

Beauty is only skin deep. If you go after someone just because she's beautiful but don't have anything to talk about, it's going to get boring fast. You want to look beyond the surface and see if you can have fun or if you have anything in common with this person. 

Amanda Peet
so i love that new show "Bent" that started last night! Really funny, David Walton and Amanda Peet were amazing. :D
New NBC show "Bent". Still unsure on the show but Amanda Peet !!!!!
How much do you love Amanda Peet & David Walton?! Watch last night’s premiere on and tell us what you thought in the comments.

Thursday 22 March 2012


Wednesday 21 March 2012

Big Bach Set

This collection is stellar! I'll be listening for many hours to come. The B-Minor Mass performance is just sublime. You're off your rocker if you don't spend the buck to get this amazing set.
On MP3 YUCK! I just spent the whole day re-ripping everything to Win-lossless as it is faster than transcoding from 18 different formats. 

Nice that win lossless works at 24bit 96k!!!!!!!!!!! What, I can fit 2 CDs on one GB, so my collecton nicely fits on my 4TB Raid in my htpc. Also 5 drive ripping is nice! 

Apple is nothing but fail when it comes to ingest.  PS ripping HD-DVD to the hard drive right now! Clerks 2 has never been this Deffie!.
Everyone, anyone,.. Do you know of this deal? It's true and wonderful. Spend a buck, download goes to your itunes. Our great friend, J.S. Bach!

Adriana Lima

Personal Information
Birthday: June 12th
Personal Interests
Boxing at the gym, reading on airplanes, and hanging out with my friends and family when i am in nyc and Salvador

Fashion is not just beauty, it's about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be strong." - Adriana Lima
Yes I would like to take a picture with my most beautiful model in the world. I want her to come to Cape Town se we can take a picture on top of one of the SEVEN NATURE WONDERS IN THE WORLD-----TABLE MOUNTAIN..................♥♥♥

Sunday 18 March 2012

The Walking Dead: Compendium One

The first in a trilogy of the original Walking Dead books—chronicling the back story of the comic book series greatest villain, The Governor.
Following in the footsteps of the New York Times bestselling graphic novels and the record-breaking new television show, this debut novel in a trilogy of original Walking Dead books chronicles the back story of the comic book series greatest villain, The Governor

In The Walking Dead universe, there is no greater villain than The Governor. The despot who runs the walled-off town of Woodbury, he has his own sick sense of justice: whether it’s forcing prisoners to battle zombies in an arena for the townspeople’s amusement, or chopping off the appendages of those who cross him. The Governor was voted “Villain of the Year” by Wizard Magazine the year he debuted, and his story arc was the most controversial arc in the history of The Walking Dead comic book series. Now, for the first time, fans of The Walking Dead will discover how The Governor became the man he is, and what drove him to such extremes.
i think im about to buy my first comic ever....well 48 comics...seriously considering buyin the The Walking Dead: Compendium One....i love the TV adaptation that much

Just read 3/4 of the Walking Dead Compendium One. Amazing book.
Finished reading The Walking Dead: Compendium One last nite awsome, now pretty soon I will have to start waiting for the comics to come out every couple months, so I started reading the hunger games last nite, wanna get it read before I see the movie, its pretty good so far.
 We just bought the walking dead compendium 1. It has volumes one though eight. I'm so happy can't wait till it arrives.

String of Words

After giving up two seconds of my time to read your ignorant post, I have decided that I honestly don't care if I ever read another string of words produced by your mind and fingers, and thus you have been deleted. In my personal opinion you should take this as advice to review and revise your need to let the public what is going in your life, but I know that your ignorance simply will not allow for such a thing to happen.
I just watched my DVR recording of the new show, TOUCH. I am moved, almost beyond words. For the first time in a very long time, I watched a television show that brings hope and promise, all wrapped in a wonderful, intelligent theatrical package. This is what theatre (be it TV, film or stage) can bring to the audience. This is a show about how we are all connected. I was touched and moved to tears, just by the thought of it, just by being reminded throughout the hour of how wonderfully we are all connected by that red string of fate. This is a show that makes me proud to be an actor and I hope to be fortunate enough to be part ofone of the episodes.
Red Filter Revolution The revolution continues, with photos flooding in from all parts of the globe as people discover how easy it is to get stunning photos of the Planet X complex. Just remove the plastic insert from an old floppy disc and hold it in front of the camera. In the words of Alberto, who started this revolution.

String of Words

After giving up two seconds of my time to read your ignorant post, I have decided that I honestly don't care if I ever read another string of words produced by your mind and fingers, and thus you have been deleted. In my personal opinion you should take this as advice to review and revise your need to let the public what is going in your life, but I know that your ignorance simply will not allow for such a thing to happen.
I just watched my DVR recording of the new show, TOUCH. I am moved, almost beyond words. For the first time in a very long time, I watched a television show that brings hope and promise, all wrapped in a wonderful, intelligent theatrical package. This is what theatre (be it TV, film or stage) can bring to the audience. This is a show about how we are all connected. I was touched and moved to tears, just by the thought of it, just by being reminded throughout the hour of how wonderfully we are all connected by that red string of fate. This is a show that makes me proud to be an actor and I hope to be fortunate enough to be part ofone of the episodes.
Red Filter Revolution The revolution continues, with photos flooding in from all parts of the globe as people discover how easy it is to get stunning photos of the Planet X complex. Just remove the plastic insert from an old floppy disc and hold it in front of the camera. In the words of Alberto, who started this revolution.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Stampys Stickers

 "stumpy's stickers" has made stickers implying that people shouldn't re-elect Obama simply because of the color of his skin and the efforts his putting in. In some events, the things Obama wants to do don't get consider by most a situation like this what other suggestions can Obama make? So before you say "Obama isnt good, hes not doing anything for us...Cari!
There's a "news" story on Facebook by huffington post about a racist Obama bumper sticker. It reads "Don't re-nig. 2012" with an Obama logo next to it. Says "stumpys stickers" makes them. I went online to find out where I could buy them and nothing. I clicked on the "stumpys stickers" link and nothing. Just like "pass this along and the little sick kid gets 10 cents for her operation" or the recent "kony 2012" propaganda film,ppl will spread this around with out doing their research just bc it says "racism against Obama". And of course, its on huffington. Did anyone get to the stumpys stickers website? If so, plz lemme know.
‘Don’t Re-Nig in 2012′: Maker of Racist Anti-Obama Sticker Shuts Down Site A photograph of a bumper sticker that features a racist play on words lit up Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere Thursday, adding to what is already shaping up to be one of the most vicious and negative presidential races in history. The sticker reads “Don’t Re-Nig In 2012″ and sits above a smaller text that reads: “Stop repeat offenders. Don’t re-elect Obama!” The design seems to have originated from a site called Stumpy’s Stickers, which has since been dismantled. The site featured similar stickers for sale, including a picture of an ape that reads, “Obama 2012″; a drawing of the Confederate flag with the message “If this flag has offended you, then it made my day!”; and another that features members of the Ku Klux Klan and reads, “The Original Boys In The Hood.” ABC tried to access the websit


Friday morning, but the email address has been suspended, and the person(s) responsible for the website has not been identified. The photograph went viral when it was posted to Facebook on Thursday afternoon.

Born To Run

Today's post is so feature rich :-D... you're going to really enjoy it... God's DEDICATED Apostle... Paul... had been preaching real good all around Cyprus... on his first missionary journey round about 49AD... people were being saved all over the Island... the miraculous power of God confirming Paul's preaching with healings, deliverances... the governor of Cyprus at the time, under the Roman dominion, Sergius Paulus, an INTELLIGENT man, not easily taken in by charlatans, began to get really interested in the things of God... he invited Paul and Barnabas in, wanting to hear the Word of God first-hand from them... he genuinely desiredto know how he could get in contact with God through prayer... and how he could become a child of God... but there was a witch in his employ... who had managedto warm his way into his confidence with his enchantments... this witch thought he was strong enough to oppose God's Apostle... feeling threatened... not wantingto be made redundant, he exercised every form of witchcraft available in opposition to the Lord's Apostle to no avail... Paul and Barnabas were inaccessibleto all that trash (Psalm 91 Promise)... so in trying to hinder the governor from faith, he then began speaking out to contradict everything the Apostle was saying... thinking, "...let's put an end to all of this!" ....what he didn't realise was that God had not killed him yet because of love... God was giving him some time torepent of his wickedness BUT HE MISINTERPRETED THAT AS A SIGN OF WEAKNESS TO HIS NEAR FATAL ERROR... well since God can open blind eyes, HE CAN ALSO CLOSE THEM... and this witch was struck BLIND! ....for daring tooppose the move of God... you can read about the account yourself in the 13th chapter of the book of Acts, a detailed record of Paul's first missionary journey... this witch was smart enough to back down after this because the Axe of God's Angel was raised... ready to chop off his head, if he continued persecuting God's servants, and Sergius Paulus became born again and began to enjoy Jesus' love and wisdom's prosperity, health, joy, peace, all benefits of eternal life... Paul himself knows how deadly it is to push God too far... he himself had been STRUCK BLIND FOR 3 WHOLE DAYS!!! ....thrown off from his horse by a BRIGHT LIGHT... when he had been on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians and cast them off to prison... and if you notice Jesus said, "...why are you persecuting ME!!!!" ....He took it personally pally... this wasn't God thinking, ok, I'm going to strike him blind... then... he would go into Damascus... then... I will send Ananias to lead him in the sinner's prayer so he can be saved... this was GOD'S FIRST STAGE PHYSICAL WARNING!!! ....THIS WAS GOD PREPARING TO TAKE HIM OUT!!!!!!! .....if he didn't repent.... God knew Paul (Saul) was a very stubborn man... that verse that Paul quoted in Romans about Christians being killed in cold blood, and picked off one by one was actually written by the sons of Korah in Psalm 44, and if you notice this Psalm is titled A PRAYER FOR DELIVERANCE... they were begging God for help in this Psalm... Paul's motivation for quoting that verse was not GO AHEAD AND KILL US... pick us off one by one, and you can get away with it scotfree, without any consequences... or that we are powerless before such persecution... if you notice, he wrote, NONE OF THIS FAZES US, BECAUSE JESUS LOVES US... Paul was not talking about the nice sweet melty chocolatey love that is our current mindset... Paul understood this love... deeper... pally... JESUS' LOVE IS DEADLY!!!!!!!!! .....AND EXTREMELY PASSIONATE!!!!!!! ......about the objects of this love.... US.... and if the wicked knew what they had coming, they would RUN!!!!! ....IN TEARS... to a church to cry for God's forgiveness, so they can be safe in His care, and cease being tools in the devil's hands to work wickedness... Asaph... one of King David's worship leaders was also trying tounderstand why IT SEEMED as if God allowed wicked people go on in their wickedness in this world... hurting good people... good people suffering... this was the gnawing question on his heart... until God helped him understand their end... and he recorded it in the 73rd Psalm... God helped him understand how THE WICKED ARE SET IN SLIPPERY PLACES... GOD... IS EXTREMELY LONGSUFFERING!!!! .....He gives wicked people a VERY LONG rope..... but a lot of them end up hanging themselves with it... but there are some times partner... when God has simply had enough.... when He gets that way HE CLEANS HOUSE PALLY!!!!! .....AND I MEAN "HOUSE" literally... THE FACT THAT YOU ARE CLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH CHRISTIANS BUT STILL HARBOUR AND NURSE WCKEDNESS IN YOUR HEART DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE SAFE........ look at what happened toJacob's grandsons...... Er.... and Onan.... IN THE COVENANT!!!! ....SONS OF JUDAH... the beginning and end of the account of Er's life consisted in ONE solitary verse recorded by Moses in the 7th verse of the 38th chapter of Genesis... and it was simply this, "....Er, Judah's firstborn, WAS WICKED IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD, AND THE LORD KILLED HIM..." end of story... it was the practice in those times that when a brother died without any children from his wife, a brother had to redeem her, and marry her to raise up children in his brother's name... so Tamar... Er's wife, was given to Onan, the immediate younger brother... meanwhile, Onan just wanted to enjoy a good shagg at the woman's expense, and not HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CHILDREN... not interested in giving Tamar children, he withdrew before orgasm and spilled his sperm on the ground.... and God killed him also... just like that... he was wicked... and God killed him... end of story... all recorded in that 38th chapter of Genesis...