Monday 25 June 2012

Vertical Gardening

Vertical Aeroponic Gardening is a technology that started at Disney's Epcot. The Tower Garden by Juice Plus is a 2'x2' gardening device that will revolutionize the way that we grow food for ourselves.

This is a major major reason to have a Tower Garden and/or to buy organic from a local farmer you trust.


When you receive your Tower Garden, simply start your seeds in the window-sill kit that's provided.

After 1-2 weeks, just place the little pods into the openings in the Tower Garden. (See photo).

Next, plug your Tower Garden into an electrical outlet, add some water along with the mineral solution that came with your tower garden.

Lastly, place the Tower Garden outside in a sunny spot and watch your plants grow before your eyes . . . From seed to salad in about 6 weeks.

Since commercial use of Roundup has led to a new generation of “superweeds” resistant to the widely-used herbicide, the next step in the arms race is 2,4-D -- a chemical linked to cancer, Parkinson's and reproductive problems.

Farmers that sign up to use genetically-engineered 2,4-D-resistant corn will be required to spray down their fields with both 2,4-D and Roundup, double-dosing our food, our soil and our waterways with the toxins. Some experts estimate this will increase the use of 2,4-D 50 fold, even though the EPA says the chemical is already our seventh-largest source of dioxins -- nasty, highly toxic chemicals that bioaccumulate as they move up the food chain and cause cancer, developmental damage, and birth defects.

Tower Garden is a patented, aeroponic vertical food production system that supports plant growth without soil.

The system was developed through research and consumer testing at Future Growing LLC, a hydroponics and hydro-organic consulting firm and supply company, to produce healthy plants and healthy food in a sustainable growing system.

The Tower Garden arranges plants vertically and aeroponically distributes and recycles an earth-based mineral nutrient solution in water to nourish the plants. The basic residential Tower Garden unit is 5 pots tall and can grow up to 20 plants in a 2.5' x 2.5' space. The Tower Garden stores the mineral nutrient solution inside its 25-gallon reservoir base and pushes it up the tower by means of a small pump.

The mineral solution feeds the plant roots – which extend into in the open central corridor of the appliance and hang exposed to the solution there– and returns excess solution to the tower’s reservoir base. This circulation creates a highly oxygenated growing environment for the plants.

The system uses less water and less horizontal space than traditional farming while recycling nutrients to minimize waste. A commercial version of the Tower Garden system is displayed in aeroponic garden located in the mezzanine level of Terminal 3, G Concourse of O'Hare International Airport.

Tower Gardens have even drawn attention for enabling rooftop gardening by restaurants and individuals.

Local people who order a Tower Garden from me by May 31 will receive 10 seedlings of their choice from my supply. Out of town people will receive 10 seeds of their choice from my supply by mail. Who do you know that is thinking of ordering? This is a great opportunity to get started very affordably! Offer good while supplies last.

My friend, Dr. Carol Watson did an experiment: purchased enough greens (spinach and spring mix) for two people for one week (and we are talking a small salad), 1 cuke 1 zucchini, 1 summer squash, 1 gr pepper, 4 vine ripe tomatoes, 1 small bunch broccoli and some basil...most, but not all, organic. The cost? $21.68 from our local Walmart. So for one month, that would be ~$80...and that's not even counting "other" fresh produce I hope most folks are eating. The cost of the Tower Garden/month? $43 + taxes/mo x 1 year (which incl. everything you need to get started)...and then it is paid for and returns your $$ year after year ! This is how I figure that my Tower Garden really didn't cost me "anything"!!

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