Sunday 17 June 2012

Surrender the Wind

RESISTANCE … IS NOT FUTILE Posted on May 14, 2012 11 RESISTANCE … IS NOT FUTILE MNN. 13 May 2012. Resistance being futile is a lie. We must resist to survive. The European elite sent over invaders to abduct, assimilate or kill us to take our possessions, to enhance their lives. Disease had almost wiped them out. They roamed the earth as marauders, destroying entire societies to control and collect everything. Even our body parts are copied or stolen to achieve perfection. Plastic surgery reconstructs their faces to look like a 5-year old unlined baby face, and their recreated bodies emulate our desirable distinctiveness. They dislike us but fry on tanning beds to look like us. To control the world through force, assimilation and genocide they have to be unemotional, mechanical, “You adapt to us or we will kill you”. Universal domination by taking what they want, controlling and using everybody, telling us, “We are a power that will absorb your territory, riches, energy, culture and you”. Little is known of their origins and intentions. They wouldn’t negotiate or reason with us. Their history is artificial. They thought if they spread their seed they could survive somewhere, which the wind blew into oblivion. When Champlain arrived in Quebec, he unloaded his weapons and started killing Mohawks. Their messengers warned us that resistance is futile, to lower our defenses, surrender our culture and to serve them.

Sin is expensive, emotionally taxing, waste time and makes you anti-social, makes you run from God, robs confidence in prayer, creates suspicious & unloving demeanor, makes you mentally and moral dull, incurs the discipline of God, and creates hostility towards the concept and lifestyle of holiness, purity and self-denial. Nothing is worth a state of sin in ones heart, thoughts, attitudes and actions. Sin is rebellion towards God. The core cure is twofold: FORGIVENESS BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST DAILY & FREEDOM THRU INNER PROMPTINGS AND POWER OF SPIRIT! Once you are cured you have to reorient your lifestyle and be disciplined in 5 major practices: 1) Serving others with your gifts on a volunteer basis 2) witnessing to others the Gospel & God's Word 3) fellowshipping daily and every Lord's day (Saturday or Sunday) 4) Bible intake on a daily basis 5) Pray for others and yourself daily All these practices must be done by Faith, with the inner energizing and motivating power of the Spirit. Like cyclical wheel obedience makes the wind of the Spirit more intense and the Spirit makes your obedience a lot more easier. They keep feeding each other as you grow in obedience and faith and spiritual power. This cyclical power cannot start until you take a step of faith and surrender your will, ambitions, disobedience and idols to the Lord on a given day at a point of time.

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