Sunday 3 June 2012

Gods and Kings: Chronicles of the Kings #1

Certain people feels as though they are called to lead but in fact they will lead you straight to hell. My Queens and Kings don't listen to what one profess out of their mouths watch carefully what they do. They will reveal to you whether their moral compass is in tack or have gone haywire losing their dam minds!!!!! People in this day in time will really reveal who they truly are Goddess and Gods are just straight out snakes. Please pay attention.

My heart feels lika speaker pumpin witha beat rockin in my seat,im cooler than a fan when i see tha heat, in a cold world u gotta b on ur feet.everybody chasin their dream bt tha ones that reach it are those who dont sleep bettr stop diggin ur own grave before it gets to deep,only god know what ur gana keep,life is a mission u cant retreat what makes it intrestin is tha people u meet, what we dnt see is that togethr thers nothin we can beat if thers unity in tha world gods mission is jst a son of god not tryna be fly bt earn my wings learn from kings and what life brings learn from tha mistakes i had in tha rings it not over till tha fat lady sings fill my cup up with some juice nd gin nd watch me spit it again ima raised champion born to win till tha end i dnt intend to bring my sons to this life of sin, when i kno lifes a cycle we all go through,if they fuck up i dnt wana b tha person sayin i told u,tha word may seem sweet bt it can b so crule it jst somethin u dnt lear from school.

"These were potters, and those that dwelt among plants and hedges: there they dwelt with the king for his work."

1 Chronicles 4:

Potters were the very highest grade of workers, but "the king" needed potters, and therefore they were in royal service, although the material upon which they worked was nothing but clay. We, too, may be engaged in the most menial part of the Lord's work, but it is a great privilege to do anything for "the king"; and therefore we will abide in our calling, hoping that, "although we have lien among the pots, yet shall we be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold." The text tells us of those who dwelt among plants and hedges, having rough, rustic, hedging and ditching work to do. They may have desired to live in the city, amid its life, society, and refinement, but they kept their appointed places, for they also were doing the king's work. The place of our habitation is fixed, and we are not to remove from it out of whim and caprice, but seek to serve the Lord in it, by being a blessing to those among whom we reside. These potters and gardeners had royal company, for they dwelt "with the king" and although among hedges and plants, they dwelt with the king there. No lawful place, or gracious occupation, however mean, can debar us from communion with our divine Lord. In visiting hovels, swarming lodging-houses, workhouses, or gaols, we may go with the king. In all works of faith we may count upon Jesu's fellowship. It is when we are in His work that we may reckon upon His smile. Ye unknown workers who are occupied for your Lord amid the dirt and wretchedness of the lowest of the low, be of good cheer, for jewels have been found upon dunghills ere now, earthen pots have been filled with heavenly treasure, and ill weeds have been transformed into precious flowers. Dwell ye with the King for His work, and when He writes His chronicles your name shall be recorded.

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