Sunday 10 June 2012

Danger in the Shadows

strangers here the last couple nights, can't tell what they look like because they are staying in the shadows, covert like, nobodies been hurt mind you and that's the give away, its called probing, a military procedure, send out a reconnaissance group very small, check things out, not to engage but to evaluate the situation, evaluate the level of danger, make sure things are all clear....for the rest of them.

your needs are being met and you're living in relative comfort. It is a nice place to be,but danger lurks in the shadows if you are not careful. Contentment leads to apathy,and apathy can lead into the deadly trap of self-sufficiency.And if you forget the Lord and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I solemnly warn you today that you shall surely perish.Biblical and non-Biblical history have proven that prosperity can lead to complacency.Every nation that has prospered for a very long period soon forgets God and therefore gets into serious trouble,a very good warning for us today.

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