Wednesday 11 April 2012

UFO sightings

UFO reporting is a 1st Amendment issue and to protect your fundamental rights we suggest becoming a fan of Carrying a Constitution in your back pocket.
Have been received a MESSAGE from ALIENS. To be clear is Extra Terrestrial THEY sent it together with an advanced technology unknown on Earth.
If  we've seen some stuff myself in real life and we do believe alien piloted aircraft exist however a lot of what we've viewed in here looks a bit dodgy, some stuff however looks interesting, one day someone will film something so up close and clear that there will be no denying it, or so many people will se it that they won't be able to cover it up.
Summer 1971 ufo passed directly over 31 colonial rd old bethpage ny 11804, childhood home, just before sunset 9pm? Seemingly chased our nieghbor back up the street to our house. Craft was round big silent, headed toward bethpage grumman plant/water tower.,3 fingerlike landing gear curled out from beneath it and appeared to land near grumman below horizen. Craft was metal, silver, lights under it, football field big at 3000 feet max. People present, mom 45, sister 17, niebhor jeanie peters 17. Craft slow moving. Posted oct. 30 2010.
Real or Hoax, March 2012 will go down as one of the most bizarre months of UFOsightings. From small lights in the sky to objects on the moon and passing by the sun.

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