Monday 2 April 2012


Is this Real, an April Fool’s Joke or just plain scary? KUBE X-15 Designed by Rektor Siegle, the KUBE nuclear reactor can generate 1000KHGz of power, If you’ve been reading the online alternative press on the web, you’ve heard that this device actually exists. Designed by Rektor Siegle, the KUBE nuclear reactor can generate 1000KHGz of power, endlessly! Based on technology originally developed for the exploration of Mars, the KUBE X-15 uses newer clean nuclear energy. Ofcourse, this amazing breakthrough will disrupt markets around the world. Especially in the Middle East. Thus the secrecy of this message. Its SAFE! Because it’s designed for personal use with only small amounts of hybridized plutonium, it’s safe enough for home use. In the event of catastrophicfailure of the device, you’re only exposed to about as much radiation as you’d get sitting on the beach for 4 hours. Now, the KUBE X-15 is undergoing federal approval and is expected to be available in the fall. has been chosen as the leading launch partner for this endeavor. Again, it’s not available today, but if you sign up below you can be the first to get off the grid and power your home with a SAFE mini-nuclear generator.

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