Sunday 1 April 2012

Nadya Suleman

"Octomom" Nadya Suleman has apparently gone back on her anti-welfare statements and is now receiving $2,000 a month in food assistance from the state of California. Wonder where all the conservative pro-life protesters backing her up are on this one. She got a lot of attention back in 2009 when she gave birth to eight babies, butNadya Suleman's fallen on tough times.
MSNBC news banner: Octomom Nadya Suleman is now on public assistance. Thank you so much!! I am now helping pay 'child support' for eight more kids I had no pleasure in conceiving or input in raising(not that I want to). Add that to the other X millions out there in the country that make 'Teen Mom' such a MTV hit. Mama always said stupid is as stupid does. Ren Shafer; any words of wisdom, my friend?

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