Thursday 7 February 2013

Strippers unemployment

The Kansas Supreme Court ruled that exotic dancers at a strip club have the right to collect unemployment insurance as employees and not independent contractors.
If you're an out-of-work stripper, you can collect unemployment while looking for a new place to shake your tassels. That's the ruling from the Kansas Supreme Court,
The Kansas Supreme Court just passed a new law that says strippers can claim unemployment as employees and not just independent contractors.
Seems odd that they should need unemployment. Can't they just depend on the money they've been saving for law and/or medical school?
The implication here is that if you are going to be a stripper for whatever reason, you can only be a stripper. Strippers are not allowed to be anything else — now or ever given how many people lose their jobs when adult history pasts come back to haunt them. But there is more here: the suggestion that sharing one’s personal narrative is a call for attention is something leveled against women all the time

In essence, strippers are employees. So it stands to reason that they should be allowed to have the same kind of benefits as other employees,  What are your thoughts?

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