Sunday 10 February 2013

It's about time

"There is no past that we can bring back by longing for it. There is only an eternally new now that builds and creates itself out of the Best as the past withdraws."
–Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

For bubble universe to have merit, and for one to have a mechanism that gave rise to a big bang or other bangs, it seems absolutely necessarily to admit that there are multiple dimensions of time.  This seems to be the fundamental starting point to getting beyond the singularity.

For us, time becomes infinitely slowed down as you approach the big bang.  A natural consequence for this, in terms of time that we can understand, is that event can never be reached because we cannot define the event.

For us to define the event, we need to suppose another dimension of time.

As soon as you admit to multiple dimensions of time, and segregate our space-time to our own experience in a bubble, it seems that you're admitting to holography.  That a more fundamental sense of what we might call time exists in a form that is different than child form of 3+1 space-time created by the big bang.

The only other way you can get around this is to suppose that GR space-time curvature isn't actually created by the big bang, rather that it extends through the singularity in a frozen or infinitely small state that might seem like it doesn't exist.  This would keep the same dimension of time existing beyond the big bang.

Personally, I make sense of the big bang by thinking of it in terms of a phase transition.  It's not scary for me.   Our problem always been that we jump to conclusions about things we don't know about in the most self-centered of ways, so, our reality must be the only one and if we can't understand beyond the big bang, then it must have been the beginning of time.  This is the same idea that the Earth was the center of the universe.  It's the same thinking that would automatically assume that the flexible space-time that Einstein gave us must be the only form of time.

Everything seems to tell us that we're continually wrong and that there is way more that we do not know than we know. And in terms of known unknowns, we now know that most of the observable universe we can see includes indirect evidence for the existence of a dark matter and dark energy which would constitute the majority of the observable universe.  These are things we've only recently discovered and have no real grasp on.

It stands to reason that there is no reason to suspect that our level of misunderstanding should end there.

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