Sunday 4 November 2012

single mom no tip

If your a single mom or dad and you do this you are a scumbag. I know there is no law stating you MUST tip your waiter/waitress but to leave NOTHING on a $140 check is being a straight up asshole move.
Just... wow. Working in the field where we rely on tips to live, this sickens me people can even DO this. I dont think some people realize tips arent EXTRA money... we make HALF of minimum wage, we RELY on tips to live. People are so stupid, and if anyone has ever stiffed a waiter or waitress for any reason, whether the service was horrible or whatever, you deserve to be bitchslapped.
Personally, I think this is a ticket picked up off the floor and filled out so someone could yank our chain. If it is real, then if she could afford a $135 tab she could afford a tip. But to stiff a hard working waitperson on a $26 or more tip is chicken shit. I was a single mom for over 10 years and would NEVER have done this. No class.

I have no patience for people who do not tip. If you cannot afford to properly tip, then you cannot afford to eat out. I do not buy the claim that you are helping the economy, or any other lame excuses for stealing. Waiters and waitresses lower themselves to servant status. The least you can do is pay for the service rendered. Pay the people who work for you or stay home. This photo may or may not be real, but what is real is too many people not properly paying those in service sector.

Odd how tipping has to subsidize third world wages in the US....I'm sure that waiting tables is a godawful job. They ought to make a decent hourly wage but they don't without tips. If you can't afford the tip, you can't afford the meal. It's like the fundie assholes who like to leave religious pamphlets instead of tips, and congratulate themselves on saving money and souls at the same time. Assholery isn't limited to one kind of person. This has way more to do with the feeling of entitlement, rather than the actual tipping issue. Why not "I'm a gay man. Sorry, no tip." "I'm retired. Sorry, no tip." "I had to fill my tank with gas. Sorry, no tip." "I had to pay my rent. Sorry, no tip." "I had to pay for my dinner. Sorry, no tip."

Sadly, there are a group of people who believe that tipping a server is not right and that they should be paid a decent wage. I agree but the fact is that they work so very hard for their money and almost always for minimum wage. Anyone who can afford $138 for a meal can afford at least a 10% tip.
Another view to this could be that the single mom who ran that $138 bill up spent that money on all the kids and herself which still is a rather high bill but maybe she has a lot of kids. Still, a tip would've been the respectful gesture. Realistically though, this definitely wasn't taking the kids to McDonald's (LOL)

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