Sunday 11 November 2012

facebook obama slur

A woman has been fired and reported to the U.S. Secret Service for a racial slur and apparent assassination threat against President Barack Obama on Facebook. According to California's Modesto Bee, Denise Helms, 22, went OFF on the social networking site after Obama won reelection over Mitt Romney Tuesday.
She called Obama the n-word, adding that "maybe he will be assassinated".

WTF!!! Some chick in California puts a racial slur on her facebook page and threatens to kill Obama and the secret service are knocking on here front door. People threaten to kill Romney if he would have won the election and nothing  happens. Don't believe me Assholes.

ashamed beyond words of certain people in this country. it's disgusting and just disrespectful...get over yourselves and stop embarrassing the entire human race with your existence!

She used a racial slur on Twitter AND then agreed to be interviewed on public television to defend herself. She must not be aware, or must be ignorant to the fact that she is a huge bigot and that she is not only hurting herself with her words and actions but is also hurting herself.

This is really what it has come down too with the corrupt government that we have. You say something negative about the President, you lose your job and you get reported to secret service. That is a direct violation of the United States constitution and the 1st amendment. Welcome to this totalitarian police state we live in.

Not even into politics..... but this has to be one of the dumbest women in captivity .

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