Friday 21 September 2012

monica lewinsky book deal

Monica Lewinsky is about to sign a $12,000,000 tell-all book deal that will do just that. And the announcer referred to orgies and an abortion. In other words, for that kind of money, she is willing to blow Bill Clinton, the beloved spokesman for the Democrat Party, away big time. Or maybe I should have put it "blow away" Bill Clinton? Just a Freudian slip. Remember what an important role Bill played at the DNC? That's the best Obama could have gotten to rally the nation to him? Bill Clinton, the biggest disgrace ever to the Office of the Presidency? The man who made the Office of the President the laughing stock of the world? Guaranteed, when Monica's tell-all hits the market, Hillary takes a powder FOR GOOD.
12 million to write about humming a few tunes. This whole Lewinsky deal stinks of a put up job. The timing is a distraction, the target is off center but aimed at tarnishing Obama by tarnishing his pals. Follow the money, I bet rich GOP bandits are behind this. NO, I do not forgive the former President for his bad behavior, but really, how long you gonna hold on to stuff? Hillary made peace, good enough for me. I have no interest in reading what Monica has to say, so throw away the spoilt dress honey, we all have things we should forget about rather than write about. Did I ever tell you bout that wild, one-legged Redhead from Redstick ?.....See?

There are stories floating around about Monica Lewinsky shopping for a $12 million tell-all book deal that will go into great details about her time with Bill Clinton. What I want to know is, how much is Bill willing to pay her NOT to write the book?

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