Friday 24 August 2012

Capri Sun

Capri-Sun. Naturally fun! The No. 1 kids' drink worldwide! For more than 40 years Capri-Sun has been lighting up the eyes of kids and adults across the globe!

The first Capri-Sun was launched in Germany in 1969. In the meantime it has become the world's most popular children's beverage and is enjoyed by children and teenagers in 100 countries around the world. Capri-Sun's success is rooted in three factors: it uses natural ingredients, it comes in an unmistakable pouch and it caters to consumer preferences.

Kids love Capri Sun. And with varieties like Capri Sun Original, 100% Juice, and Roarin' Waters, Moms can feel good about having wholesome drinks for any occasion!

Here’s a fun way to teach your child about directions: Walk around your neighborhood together, mapping streets on a piece of paper as you go. Be sure to pack Capri Sun for the journey, it’s important to keep your kiddie cartographer refreshed!

Before your child heads out into the wild-blue for the weekend, fuel their tank with Capri Sun Super V. The pouch packs a punch with a combined serving of fruits and vegetables (¾ fruit serving & and ¼ vegetable serving). Hit "Like" if your kids have tried it!

Need to kick the dog days of summer? Try this, fill a kiddie pool with ice and water then see who can fish out the most ice-cubes with their toes! BRRRRRRRR like this status if it got your teeth chattering!

Do your kids have a case of the Mondays? Help ‘em out with the NEW Capri Sun Big Pouch. The resealable top and bigger size is sure to give them a boost! Have your kids tried them?

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