Friday 31 August 2012

How To Pass a Psychological Employment Profile Test

Have you ever taken a psychological profile test for a job? I have taken dozens and once upon a time could not pass one. Certain jobs will attempt to analyze you to determine certain aspects of your personality.

Most of these tests provide somewhere between 50-600 multiple choice questions using different cross referencing techniques to determine aspects of your personality. Most try to determine your trustworthiness based on past studies and statistics. The question is, are they accurate? My determination is maybe.

Several years ago, after losing a job, I was trying to get any job to earn income between good jobs – many of us have probably done that. I applied for a waiter job at the popular restaurant Applebees. They gave me one of these psychological tests which was 60 questions. I failed it miserably. Actually, I failed it so badly that the manager let me take it again because he thought there must have been some type of freakish anomaly. The second time I took it, I didn’t read the questions; I simply guessed on every answer and passed with flying colors. Of course I only worked there for a few days because I hated it.

I applied at another job which had 250 questions on their psychological test. I was actually already hired, but had to to take the test as a formality. I failed it! The woman administering the test said and I quote, “Oh my, you scored worse than anyone I’ve ever seen in my entire life. You are not qualified to work here. Your results show an incredible amount of possible deception and strong propensity to be dishonest and steal. This shows you are level 5 red, the most deceptive type of person known. I’ve never seen anyone have this score before.”

I said, “What? I’m not dishonest. I don’t steal or anything like that.”

She said, “Well, it says here you do. I’m sorry.”

I was hired by someone I personally know, who happened to know what kind of employee I am. He pulled some strings to get me hired – without actually passing the test! That is dishonest in itself – using an inside friend to get over on a test, but I did it because I needed to work.

So, are these tests really accurate? The truth is, these tests which try to determine whether a person is likely to steal is more of an intelligence test than anything else. Here’s an example of some questions asked (yes/no questions):

Have you ever known anyone who has stolen from an employer and got away with it?

If someone stole something from an employer and you were aware of it, would you report them?

Think about this. If you answer yes to the first question and yes to the second, then you are a liar…right? No, this is actually the correct answer. What they’re looking for is whether or not you are analyzing the questions (as you go along) or not, not so much how you answer the questions. If you’ve known someone who stole and got away with it, then you would obviously not report them because otherwise, they wouldn’t have gotten away with it! Right?

You see, they are looking for your ability to notice things like that in the whole of the test. If you remember question to question what your answers are, then you are more likely to let a previous answer to affect following answers – this demonstrates your propensity to lie, cheat or steal. The truth is, if you fail the test, you are either extremely honest or extremely dishonest; neither of which will get you the job. This shows extremism in your personality, which the employer is not willing to take a chance on.

Another view is that you are simply too smart for the job. These tests are based on your ability to steal and get away with it. If you’re smart enough to do that, you will not be hired. I don’t steal from employees, but because I’m smart enough to and never get caught, it is too much of a risk to take for the employer. Many jobs are looking for people too dumb to steal effectively. They want you to be dumb so you’ll get caught.

If you have problems passing these tests…just guess on every question and you’ll have a 50/50 chance of passing because most have factored in the fact that you may be guessing! It’s a catch-22 for intelligent people to pass these tests. My advice is to not make any mental notes while taking it. Answer the questions quickly with the first thing that comes to mind and you’ll have a 95% chance of passing, In today’s world of tests like these, you need all the knowledge you can get.

Just so you know, I do not steal from employers. I have been fired from seven jobs for ratting people out who did steal. Nobody likes a rat, not even employers (especially not fellow employees who do steal). You see, most people do not have the guts to stand up for what is right and tell on someone for doing something illegal or wrong. These tests basically lump dishonest and extremely honest into the same category, which is in itself a travesty of justice and should be illegal.

Bottom line, don’t think…just answer, and do it quickly

The FBI, CIA and homeland security actually want people who cannot pass these tests as their top operatives because of their ability to deceive. It’s funny isn’t it? Maybe I’m in the wrong line of work. It sucks that any employer would depend on these psychological profiles. Whatever happened to actually meeting a prospective employer in person?

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Sunday 26 August 2012

Human Brain Analysis - Man vs. Woman......


Women - Multiple process

Womens brains designed to concentrate multiple task at a time.

Women can Watch a TV and Talk over phone and cook.

Men - Single Process

Mens brains designed to concentrate only one work at a time. Men can not watch TV and talk over the phone at the same time. they stop the TV while Talking. They can either watch TV or talk over the phone or cook.


Women can easily learn many languages. But can not find solutions to problems. Men can not easily learn languages, they can easily solve problems. That's why in average a 3 years old girl has three times higher vocabulary than a 3 yeard old boy.


Mens brains has a lot of space for handling the analytical process. They can analyze and find the solution for a process and design a map of a building easily. But If a complex map is viewed by women, they can not understand it. Women can not understand the details of a map easily, For them it is just a dump of lines on a paper.


While driving a car, mans analytical spaces are used in his brain. He can drive a car fastly. If he sees an object at long distance, immediately his brain classifies the object (bus or van or car) direction and speed of the object and he drives accordingly. Where woman take a long time to recognize the object direction/ speed. Mans single process mind stops the audio in the car (if any), then concentrates only on driving.


When men lie to women face to face, they get caught easily. Womans super natural brain observes facial expression 70%, body language 20% and words coming from the mouth 10%. Mens brain does not have this. Women easily lie to men face to face.

So guys, do not lie face to face.


If a man have a lot of problems, his brain clearly classifies the problems and puts them in individual rooms in the brain and then finds the solution one by one. You can see many guys looking at the sky for a long time. If a woman has a lot of problems, her brain can not classify the problems. she wants some one to hear that. After telling everything to a person she goes happily to bed. She does not worry about the problems being solved or not.


Men want status, success, solutions, big process, etc... But Women want relationship, friends, family, etc...


If women are unhappy with their relations, they can not concentrate on their work. If men are unhappy with their work, they can not concentrate on the relations.


Women use indirect language in speech. But Men use direct language.


Women talk a lot without thinking. Men act a lot without thinking.

direct TV

Hate living in cohoes. Really hate time Warner cable , they truly have most people by the ding ding when it comes to cable and Internet. You may think by going to another service, that you are not dealing with twc but you are. Any ways stuck with the crappy twc for now. Just have to wait and see. Come on direct tv or Verizon fios . Get service here for tv, Internet and phone.

Our Direct TV box blew out yesterday. Three days without TV. He is searching through all old movies for something to watch. Boy! Must be so hard with pre-season games and races for him. Can you imagine NO TV for 3 days???

Peter Torsone14 minutes ago There is an alarmingly common thought in America that NASA is useless. That space is only good for TV and GPS. Why is this? It is because we are concerned with the now. Why send people to mars when we can launch a satellite to help me watch TV? In this sense those people are right the are no immediate, direct benefits to society from sending people to another world. But I can still give three good reasons to do it. One, the science. Landing on another body instantly tells you about the history of it. Was there water? Was there life? What is special about it? How did it form? All these questions are answered. And the answers to these questions help us to learn more about our own planet. Second technology used on these missions can be reapplied to tasks here on earth. Pacemakers, fire fighting suits, and Doppler radar are some examples of the hundreds of spinoffs used in society today. Finally there is a Social aspect to the exploration of space. When we first took our first tentative steps into space millions of people watched them happen live. It is estimated that 135million people watched John Glenn orbit earth for the first time, one BILLION watched or listened on the radio to the Christmas broadcast from Apollo 8 in lunar orbit, and 750 million watched the first steps on the moon. From 1970 to 1977 there was a noticeable increase In the number of engineers, scientists, and mathematicians in the US. This was the period of time when children and teens who had watched the space program progress were finding jobs. The triumphs by NASA inspired them to take on complicated problems and high level jobs. But after 1977 the number of these such jobs decreased and is still in this slide. Why? Because there was nothing for kids to look up to. Exploration is the greatest motivator. And space is one of the only places left to explore. Currently NASA's budget is 17 billion dollars a year. Thats half a penny out of every taxpayer dollar. Let's double that. One penny out of every dollar and 34 billion a year. Realistically we would be on mars 5 to 7 years after depending on planetary alignment, in addition to a permanent outpost on the moon and flights to near earth asteroids. All that for a penny more. The JSF program cost 338 billion to make an aircraft that is not yet in service. The 2012 summer olympics cost about 15 billion, thats enough to buy six Curiosity rovers. The bank bailout cost 700 billion, thats more than NASA has spent in its entire fifty years of existence. Compared to other endeavors NASA is cheap and gets more results. So why not go? Most politicians know these facts. They know what they can gain. But they are more concerned with faring well on Election day than dreams and science. They are focused on today with little concern for tomorrow.

Friday 24 August 2012

Guild Wars 2

These special closed events are open to invited players only. Everything you see in the game is still confidential.

A tribute to the original. Alot of guild wars players were very upset that WWO was even compared to this game, it is still pay to pay as well but a under dog to WWO insubscribers and fan base. Guild Wars 2 is looking to take all the fan base from WOW and I heard if you buy Guild Wars 2, that the original becomes playable. Not sure on that but I heard it. I am downloading 2 right now.

Company Overview

Located in Bellevue, Washington, ArenaNet is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Korea-based NCsoft Corporation. The studio was formed in the spring of 2000 with the goal of creating a state-of-the-art interactive game network, and of developing premier multiplayer, online games. Having built such a network, ArenaNet continues to improve upon it, keeping stride with current technology and offering new and innovative approaches.

Capri Sun

Capri-Sun. Naturally fun! The No. 1 kids' drink worldwide! For more than 40 years Capri-Sun has been lighting up the eyes of kids and adults across the globe!

The first Capri-Sun was launched in Germany in 1969. In the meantime it has become the world's most popular children's beverage and is enjoyed by children and teenagers in 100 countries around the world. Capri-Sun's success is rooted in three factors: it uses natural ingredients, it comes in an unmistakable pouch and it caters to consumer preferences.

Kids love Capri Sun. And with varieties like Capri Sun Original, 100% Juice, and Roarin' Waters, Moms can feel good about having wholesome drinks for any occasion!

Here’s a fun way to teach your child about directions: Walk around your neighborhood together, mapping streets on a piece of paper as you go. Be sure to pack Capri Sun for the journey, it’s important to keep your kiddie cartographer refreshed!

Before your child heads out into the wild-blue for the weekend, fuel their tank with Capri Sun Super V. The pouch packs a punch with a combined serving of fruits and vegetables (¾ fruit serving & and ¼ vegetable serving). Hit "Like" if your kids have tried it!

Need to kick the dog days of summer? Try this, fill a kiddie pool with ice and water then see who can fish out the most ice-cubes with their toes! BRRRRRRRR like this status if it got your teeth chattering!

Do your kids have a case of the Mondays? Help ‘em out with the NEW Capri Sun Big Pouch. The resealable top and bigger size is sure to give them a boost! Have your kids tried them?

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Facebook Radio

 What about a radio talk show on a national legal insurance plan?

Class action South Africa. Have you ever wanted to take the municipality or someone else to court, but did not have the money? Class action could be cheaper. If you want people to sue with you you could get together at "Class Action South Africa" here on Facebook.

With facebook radio you can listen to your facebook timeline with your own personal DJ. If you had facebook radio, would it sound something like this?

Monday 20 August 2012

Fattest state in America

Did you know Mississippi is the fattest state in america. Keeping in shape is not only important for the looks it will determine how long you live. Enjoy what you eat but try to at least walk a half hour a day so it can balance out. Thats your fitness news feed for today stay tuned for tomorrows health alert lol

"According to the data, we can wag our sausage-like fingers at Mississippi as the fattest state in America, with a husky 34.9 percent of its citizens in the "obese" range. Colorado is the home of our thinnest countrymen, yet even there one-in-five adults is lovably full-figured."

Wow for sixth year in a row Mississippi is the fattest state in America. Ain't we Mississippians proud, I know I am. Well now I know I belong since my chunky self is a proud resident of Mississippi. Wait Mississippi is the fattest state but Hernando, Ms is the healthest or close to the top health wise across the USA. So I need to move to Hernando so I can be a fat little healthy Mississippian.

Americans are getting fatter every year, according to Trust for America's Health F as in Fat report.

Back in 1991 no states had obesity levels over 15%.

Today Colorado is the only state with obesity below 20%. Another 12 states have levels over 30%.

By measuring state obesity against population, we calculated a 0.5% increase in national obesity compared to last year's report. That's equivalent to 1.54 million new obese Americans in a single year.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Miss World 2012

Miss World 2012, the 62nd edition of the Miss World pageant was held on August 18, 2012 in Dongsheng Fitness Center Stadium, Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China. 116 contestants from all over the world competed for the crown, marking the biggest turnout in the pageant's history. Ivian Sarcos of Venezuela crowned her successor Yu Wenxia  of China PR at the end of the event. The contestants visited Shanghai and Changshu.


She is the New #MissWorld2012

China has won one of the Grand Slams of Beauty

Next Steep: Miss International

40 Semi-finalists Beach Beauty #MissWorld2012

1) Albania

2) Australia

3) Austria

4) Bosnia & Herzegovina

5) Brazil

6) China

7) Chile


9) Czech Republic

10) Denmark

11) Dominician Republic

12) Equatorial Guinea

13) England

14) France

15) India

16) Greece

17) Guadeloupe

18) Ireland

19) Israel

20) Italy

21) Latvia

22) Japan


24) Korea

25) Mexico

26) Nepal

27) Netherlands

28) Paraguay

29) Peru

30) Philippines

31) Puerto Rico

32) Russia

33) South Africa

34) Spain

35) Thailand

36) Turkey

37) Ukaine

38) Venezuela

39) Vietnam

40) Wales

Saturday 18 August 2012



HootSuite is the professional social media management solution for merchants, SMBs, enterprises, & global brands. How can we help your company?

Company Overview

HootSuite helps organizations use the social web to launch marketing campaigns, identify and grow audience, and distribute targeted messages across multiple channels. Using HootSuite’s unique social media management tools, teams can collaboratively schedule updates to Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, WordPress and other social networks via web, desktop or mobile platforms plus track campaign results and industry trends to rapidly adjust tactics.


HootSuite is a web and mobile social media management that helps individuals and organizations spread messages, monitor conversations and track results across multiple networks including Twitter and Facebook.

General Information

Launched in Dec. 2008 by Invoke Media, HootSuite’s rapidly growing user base includes governments, artists and organizations like The White House, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, SXSW and Zappos. Accolades include awards from Mashable’s Open Web, Canadian New Media, and Shorty Awards.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Claymation Studio 3.0 Deluxe

With honestech Claymation Studio, you can easily create stop motion video. Capture images using the included USB PC camera and add background images, audio, and music to create your own stop-motion movies. Claymation Studio 3.0 Deluxe is an easy-to-use stop-motion authoring studio which enables novice users to create claymation, stop-motion video, animation and cell-based videos from imported images, photographs, music audio and recorded sound tracks.

Fun and Educational

Claymation Studio combines the power of your PC and stop-motion animation to bring figures, objects or drawings to life. Creating stop-motion animation not only encourages the development of story-telling, it also provides an opportunity for kids to use the PC as a movie production tool. Various features include partial and full Chroma Key effects, chroma key windowing on imported images, background music with voice over dubbing, and on-screen text.

USB PC Camera included

No need to purchase a separate PC camera that works with the software. High-quality PC camera is included with the Claymation Studio 3.0 Deluxe. The PC camera is true plug-n-play device, so device driver installation is not necessary. Simply plug it in to a USB port on your PC, and it is ready to be used. You and your children will love the puppy-shaped PC camera.

Onionskin: View previous frames in transparent overlay to help you capture or create the next frame/image.

Chroma key:Using a blue/green screen, you can sesily change the background to create the best setting for your subject.

Audio Recording: Add your own sound effects, voice, and background music to your stop-motion video.

YouTube/Facebook: Upload your movie directly from the software with One-Click option.

iPhone/iPad: Convert created video into MPEG4/AVC format to watch on your portable device.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Bariatric surgery

Interested in bariatric surgery? The medical staff for our Well Beginnings program at Houston Northwest Medical Center wants to help those who are severely overweight or morbidly obese explore their options.

Bariatric surgery changes the anatomy of the digestive system to limit the amount of food that is consumed and digested. If your body mass index (BMI) is over 40, you may be a candidate for
this procedure.

Have questions? Ask us. Want to know what this surgery is like, before and after? Read our patient success stories. Looking for people to share your experience with? Write something on our wall or discussion boards.

Ultimately, we'd like to meet you and customize your experience. Make sure to mark your calendar with some upcoming informational seminar dates we'll advertise here.

While some weight rebound may occur, many patients may keep off roughly 100 pounds of the weight they lost over the long term. As each case is different and must be independently evaluated and managed, actual weight loss results vary.
The surgery may resolve or improve some complications associated with being overweight, including diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, joint pain, and incontinence. Surgery also may improve mobility and quality of life for obese people.

Bariatric surgeries are not without severe risks, including death, and should only be considered as a last resort for weight loss. Weight loss varies according to the individual. This surgery is designed for those with a body mass index equal to or greater than 40, or equal to or greater than 35 with serious co-morbidities.
Advanced Bariatric Surgery is serving the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex under the care of fellowship-trained bariatric and cosmetic plastic surgeon, Dr. Clayton Frenzel.
Dr. Frenzel is one of only a handful of surgeons in the country that is both a fellowship-trained bariatric surgeon and a fellowship-trained cosmetic plastic surgeon. He specializes in bariatric surgery and post-bariatric reconstructive cosmetic plastic surgery.

As the only bariatric surgeon in the D/FW area that is dual fellowship-trained, he can take the patient through the complete transforma
tion, from the pre-bariatric surgery phase, through the bariatric surgery and finally, if they need it, the post-bariatric face and body contouring cosmetic plastic surgery.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Mama Does Time

Mama will keep you laughing all day! Mama Does Time is a blast to read. Who knew that Florida had more to write about than murders in Miami? Deborah Sharp introduced me to a whole new side of the sunshine state. It is a witty and fun to read. You can't help but fall in love with the hurricane called Mama--mayhem and all.
This is the perfect book to curl up with and enjoy.
Meet Mama: a true Southern woman with impeccable manners, sherbet-colored pantsuits, and four prior husbands.Best of the Month Explore our hand-picked list of new books that stand out as the best of the best in July. Shop Now
$1.99 for Kindle for today only: Deborah Sharp's humorous southern cozy mystery "Mama Does Time", a Mace Bauer mystery

Thursday 2 August 2012

Wells Fargo

what’s this page about? In a word, you. We're here M-F, 9-5 PT, to bring you timely updates, financial tips, and fun, interesting info that just might help make your day.
Our vision at Wells Fargo: We want to satisfy all our customers’ financial needs and help them succeed financially.
For many people, all roads lead – in some form or another – to their life goals. As our clients journey through life, our Financial Advisors work with them to define and prioritize goals that mean the most to them, then frame their clients’ financial and investment strategies around those goals. We think of it as a life-planning process that begins today – not at some distant point in the future after you’ve spent a lifetime saving for it.

We also help our clients manage expected and unexpected life experiences that can affect their financial and investment circumstances and strategies.
Wells Fargo Advisors is one of the nation’s premier financial services firms with more than 15,000 Financial Advisors in locations throughout the U.S.

As the investment business for Wells Fargo & Company, we carry on their reputation for strength, integrity, and client satisfaction, always focusing on service and our clients’ needs.
When you sell an investment (or asset), you have to think about taxes and whether they’ll work in your favor. How you manage your capital gains and losses plays an important role in determining your after-tax return.

Do you feel like you know the ins-and-outs of selling an investment? If not, what could we do here to help educate you?
When it comes to saving money for college, what stresses you out the most? Whatever it is, we're here to help! Think about it, post it up, then tell your local Wells Fargo banker and we'll work on options with you!

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Blue Moon 2012

Blue Moon 2012: August To Bring Two Full Moons, an Astronomical Rarity

The first of the two full moons occurs tonight (Aug. 1st). This will be a lunar preview for a "blue moon" rising at the end of Aug. The moon will reach its full phase at 11:27 p.m. EDT tonight (03:27 GMT on Aug. 2nd). It returns big and bright as a full blue moon, Aug 31st. Night sky observers won't have a chance to see two full moons in a single month again until July 2015.

August is the 8th month and holds an 8th numeric vibration. This number represents accomplishments and achievements in money, business, finance, and entrepreneurship. However, it’s best to wait until after August 8 and the passing of the Mercury Retrograde to enter into any financial or career changing endeavor.

August 2012 will feature not 1 but 2 full moons. The full moon occurs once every 29.5 days. This essentially means that there is one full moon every month. However, as we know, every month but February has at least 30 days in it, which presents the potential for two full moons in a month.

August 2012 - is one of these unique months, which will have two full moons. There will be a full moon on August 2nd, and then another full moon on August 31st.

So those of us whom are superstitious in regards to full moons will have two special days in August of 2012.

The term Blue Moon can refer to the second full moon in a given month. When people say "once in a blue moon" they are speaking to the rarity of the occurrence of a second moon happening in the same given month.

Wow!! This is exciting!! Right as so many changes are happening in this world... Things are getting crazy around here!! Once in a while we need to take a moment to just breathe, look up at the amazing night sky, and remember that everything will fall into place at the right time. Thanks for tagging! :)