Sunday 8 July 2012

Relaxation & Meditation

Have you been wanting to start a practice of meditation? Or, do you have experience with meditation that you can share? Let's together discover a path of relaxation with each others support.

The practice of purification consists of contemplation on discriminating views. When the mind is still like calm water and there is an absence of false thinking, the Real Mind, which does not exist apart from false thinking, manifests. This water-without-waves sort of Mind is called The Realization of Purity.

Imagine a feeling of joy. You feel an opening in the top of your head. You feel joy floating in through the opening in the top of your head.

If feels up your head and neck. It fills your shoulders and arms. The joy floats down into your chest and your heart. You heart is so full of joy.

According to Tantric Yoga, chakras are centers of spiritual energy located in particular places in the human body and associated with different kinds of feelings and perceptions. The way to tap into them is taught in both Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism. In this 5×7 ink drawing I have used non-traditional colors and numbers of petals...

Personal discovery: Meditating after eating a large meal is distracting and also uncomfortable. Make sure that you don't meditate right after a holiday feast :)

 Moonstone Light is evolving and organically growing into a Holistic Centre for Transformational Wellbeing, now offering Colour Light Therapy ~ Crystal Energy ~ Relaxation ~ Meditation De-stress & Energy Unblocking ~ Colour Visualisation ~ Healing ~ Transformational Coaching ~ Card Reading ~ Colour Numerology

If you feel grey due to the lovely English summer weather, or you have low energy due to work commitments or lifestyle, or suffer from stress-related physical ailments, Moonstone Light can bring you energising relief.

If you are feeling blue and don't know why, or you want to replace negativity with positivity, or just want to recharge your batteries - call Moonstone Light TODAY and watch the transformation unfold.

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