Sunday 13 May 2012

Mothers Day poems

Every year when asked what I really wanted for Mother's Day .... a clean house - dishes done, & loving, well behaved kids!!! I also loved my kid-made gifts ... one of a kind & priceless! Even though my 'Baby Boy' & family sent me beautiful plant (THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH) I still am waiting for one of his poems! Happy Mom's Day to all the Moms & special love & comfort to those who have lost their priceless gifts from God!

To All Mothers on your day:

You painted no Madonnas On chapel walls in Rome, But with a touch diviner

You lived one in your home. You wrote no lofty poems That critics counted art,

But with a nobler vision

You lived them in your heart. You carved no shapeless marble

To some high-souled design,

But with a finer sculpture You shaped this soul of mine.

You built no great cathedrals

That centuries applaud,

But with a grace exquisite Your life cathedraled God. Had I the gift of Raphael, Or Michelangelo, Oh, what a rare Madonna My mother's life would show! --Thomas W. Fessenden Happy Mother's Day!!!

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