Wednesday 27 March 2013


Cannabis sativa hemp, the miracle plant, contains the cure for cancer and other ailments
The US Govt has known since 1974 that Cannabis cures Cancer. In '72 Richard Nixon wanted a larger budget for his war on drugs. He thought that if he proved Cannabis caused lung cancer like cigarettes do, he would get the support he needed. He gave the Medical College of Virginia 2 years to do a study on the effects of THC on the body. In '74 the study was completed. It turns out, THC when ingested in highly concentrated forms (such as eating Cannabis oil) will attack any mutated cells in your body while strengthening and rejuvenating the healthy cells. They found the PERFECT cure for Cancer. It worked fast, it worked well, it worked on many different forms of Cancer in ALL stages and it had ZERO harmful side effects. (Unlike Chemo which deteriorates your entire body and kills 1 in 5 patients. Not only that, but it dissolves ALL forms of tumors and can even combat super bugs like MRSA.) When Richard Nixon saw the results of the study he was FURIOUS. He threw the entire report in the trash and deemed the study classified. In 1976 President Gerald Ford put an end to all public cannabis research and granted exclusive research rights to major pharmaceutical companies, who set out — unsuccessfully — to develop synthetic forms of THC that would deliver all the medical benefits without the “high.”

We only found out about the study a few years ago thanks to dedicated medical and law professionals who filed Freedom of Information Requests. The Govt lied for many reasons.. One of the main reasons is Pharmaceutical Companies. They spend billions every year lobbying to keep Cannabis illegal because they make TRILLIONS off Cancer drugs and research. They are already well aware that Cannabis cures Cancer. (They cant legally patent a 15,000 year old plant) They have a great con going at the moment. Cancer patients and their loved ones will spend their entire life savings or even sell their houses and businesses in order to pay for Chemotherapy and other Cancer treatment drugs. Alot of the time they spend all that money and their loved one dies anyway. If the public found out that the Govt has been lying for over 40 years, that MILLIONS of lives could have been saved and that the dying could grow the cure they need in their backyard... The Public would be going APESHIT.

If you want to know more, you should Google 'Cannabis Cures Cancer'. You will see that there are thousands of published scientific studies, articles, books and documentaries on the subject. Id start with the film 'Run From The Cure'. Its one of my favourites :)

PS: I feel the need to be EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAR here because many people have attacked me for sharing this information. SMOKING CANNABIS DOES NOT CURE CANCER. EATING CANNABIS OIL DOES. There have been A LOT of sceptics about this. I highly suggest you actually RESEARCH THIS SUBJECT rather than demonize the people that have already actually researched it. Cannabis DOES CURE CANCER... This is not a rumour, this is not some internet hoax.. THIS IS A FACT. I KNOW PEOPLE WHO WOULD NOT BE HERE TODAY IF IT WERENT FOR THIS CURE. DO NOT TRY TO TELL ME ITS NOT TRUE. I already know FOR A FACT, that it is

Cannabis sativa hemp, the miracle plant, contains the cure for cancer and other ailments.

After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal hemp oil. When Rick discovered that the hemp oil (with its high concentration of T.H.C.) cured cancers and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could free of charge, curing and controlling literally hundreds of people's illnesses... but when the story went public, the long arm of the law snatched the medicine -- leaving potentially thousands of people without their cancer treatments -- and leaving Rick with unconstitutional charges of possessing and trafficking marijuana.

Throughout man's history hemp has always been known as the most medicinal plant in the world. Even with this knowledge, hemp has always been used as a political and religious football. Watch the documentary Run From The Cure to understand more about using cannabis as a cure for cancer and other medical problems.

Friday 8 March 2013

Happy Women's Day ♥

United States has selected the 23-year-old Delhi braveheart for the International Women of Courage Award. The award to Delhi gang rape victim would be presented posthumously by the first lady Michelle Obama and the secretary of state John Kerry, on March 8 :)

Happy Women's Day ♥
United States has selected the 23-year-old Delhi braveheart for the International Women of Courage Award. The award to Delhi gang rape victim would be presented posthumously by the first lady Michelle Obama and the secretary of state John Kerry, on March 8 :) Happy Women's Day ♥.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

A Basic knowledge about the Sim Card

A subscriber identity module or subscriber identification module (SIM) is an integrated circuit that securely stores the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) and the related key used to identify and authenticate subscribers on mobile telephony devices ,such as mobile phones and computers.

It is also a portable memory chip used mostly in cell phones that operate on the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network. These cards hold the personal information of the account holder, including his or her phone number, address book, text messages, and other data. When a user wants to change phones, he or she can usually easily remove the card from one handset and insert it into another. SIM cards are convenient and popular with many users, and are a key part of developing cell phone technology.

Sim Cards are of four (4) Types. Named as Below H1, H2, H3, H4

H1= You Will Get Normal Network On This Sim
H2= You Will Get Better Network On This Sim, Means Strong
H3= You Will Get More Better Network On This Sim, Means Stronger
H4= Normal, Better, More Better Is Nothing In Front OF This Sim.

Basically H4 Sim giving for Corporate Sim, Army Peoples etc. The Company doesn’t Provide H4 Sim To all User,because this Sim eat More bandwidth. For knowing Which Type of Sim is using Just Check Its Back Side and will Get the Sim No. and the Sim Type.

SIM cards are made in three different sizes to accommodate different devices. Most phones use mini-SIM or micro-SIM cards, which are quite small — the mini is 25 mm by 15 mm , and the micro is 15 mm by 12 mm.Full-sized cards are much larger, 85.6 mm by 53.98 mm , and are too big for most phones. All cards are only 0.76 mm thick, and the microchip contacts are in the same arrangement. This means that, with the proper adapter, the smaller cards can be used in devices designed for larger ones.

A SIM card offers security for both the user’s data and his or her calls. The cards can be locked, meaning that only someone who has the correct personal identification number (PIN) can use the card. If the phone is stolen, the thief cannot use a locked SIM or get any information off of it without the PIN.

Sunday 3 March 2013

Open YourSelf

"Let yourself fall. Learn to observe snakes. Plant impossible gardens.
Let someone dangerous in for tea.
Make small signs that say “yes”,
spread them all over your house.
Become a friend of freedom and uncertainty. Look forward to dreaming.
Cry at the movies.
Swing as high as you can on a swing at moonlight. Maintain different moods
Refuse to be “responsible”. Do it out of love. Take a lot of naps.
Pass on money. Do it now, the money will follow. Laugh a lot.
Bathe in the moonlight.
Dream wild, imaginative dreams.
Draw on the walls.
Read every day.
Imagine you are enchanted.
Giggle with children. Listen to old people.
Open yourself. Dive in. Be free.
Praise Yourself.
Let go of fear. Play with everything.
Preserve the child in you. You are innocent.
Build a castle of covers. Get wet. Hug trees."

Saturday 2 March 2013

Old could be Smart Young

Are you working out your body to make this possible? (Ernestine Shepherd 74-years young)

People who exercise on a regular basis up to the age of 80 have the same aerobic capacity as someone half their age, says a new study from Ball State University.

The study also found the endurance athletes established new upper limits for aerobic power in men 80-91 years old, including a maximum oxygen uptake that was nearly twice that of untrained men their age.

A person’s VO2 max is a proving to be a better predictor of mortality than many better-known cardiovascular risk factors, Trappe said. Based upon the VO2max findings, the lifelong exercisers have a 50 percent lower all-cause mortality risk compared to the untrained men.

WiFi Portable Microscope

WiFi Portable Microscope – Usable With Android/iPad/iPhone – As electronics get smaller and smaller, you’ll need a hand examining PCBs and this little USB microscope is the perfect tool. Its smaller and lighter than a large optical microscope but packs quite a bit of power in its little body. There’s a high quality 640×480 camera sensor inside and an optical magnifier that can adjust from 5x (for basic PCB inspection) to 200x (for detailed inspection). Eight mini white LEDs are angled right onto whatever you’re examining so you get enough lighting to see, and are smoothly adjustable via a dial on the side.

Unlike our USB microscopes, this ‘scope is WiFi based. This means that instead of having a cable or wireless-usb-dongle type connection, there’s a WiFi access point inside the camera enclosure. When you turn it on, it will create a new hotspot just for the camera, so that any tablet or smartphone (such as an iPad/iPhone/Android/etc) can connect to the camera and view the microscope’s video output. This isn’t possible with a USB microscope as many tablets and phones don’t have a USB port and even if they did, there wouldn’t necessarily be drivers available for the camera.

Comes with the microphone, charging cable, CD with software and manual. A stand is not included, the photo above shows it with our articulated aluminum stand (which works great). While this camera is more expensive than a wired-variety, there’s nothing like it for when you want to view the output on a smartphone or tablet!